Bicaz Gorges
COUNTY ATTRACTIONS / Most popular locations
Geological, botanical and landscaping reservation, natural park Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorges) – Hăşmaş is climber's paradise, having the most spectacular canyons from Romania, Cheile Bicazului (Bicaz Gorges).
Calcareous Peak of Hăşmaş Mountain allowed spectacular development of karsts phenomenon (Cheile Bicaz, Cheile Bicăjelului, Cheile Şugăului).
National Park Bicaz Gorges presents a great scientific interest from a geological, geomorphologic, paleontological, landscaping point of view and from the point of view of the diversity generated by the wide variety of geoclimatic conditions.
Bicaz Gorges are well known in Romania because of their impressive sizes.
Also, Lacul Roşu (Red Lake), formed by natural barrage of waters from Bicaz stream (1837), offers picturesque landscape.