"Nativity of the Mother of God" Church (The New Precista)
The idea of building the "Nativity of the Mother of God" Church - Precista II or The New Precista - in Piatra-Neamț appeared since 1991, considering the insufficiency of the liturgical space at the Church of the ”Assuption of the Mother of God" (Precista I or The Old Precista), inadequate for the multitude of believers present at services on Sundays and holidays.
In 1993, the steps to obtain the site began, in the small park at the intersection of Decebal and Emil Costinescu streets. The consecration of the place was done by Father Archimandrite Ciprian Zaharia on May 12, 1995, together with a council of priests and numerous parishioners.
On June 9, 2019, on the 7th Sunday after Easter, the place of worship was consecrated by three hierarchs of the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church: IPS Father Teofan, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, IPS Father Ioachim, Archbishop of Romania and Bacău and PS Father Calinic Botoșanean, then Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Iasi. On this occasion, Father Dumitru Ailincăi, parish priest of the Precista II community, received from His Beatitude Father Patriarch Daniel, as a sign of gratitude for the entire activity carried out in the parish, the "Patriarchal Cross" for clergy, the highest distinction within the Romanian Patriarchate.
The current capacity of the church is approximately 650 people.
- Churches and monasteries