Cercul Gospodinelor (The Circle of Housewives Restaurant))
The Circle of Housewives is the oldest restaurant in Piatra-Neamț and one of the places with the most beautiful view of the city.
"...The worse war was over: Great Romania was born! The men had amply proved their bravery; and women - skill. They had replaced the departed as soldiers in everything; they had become exceptional sisters of charity at the front, in the hospitals, following the example and impulse to do good of their young queen. Now, out of the storm, life seemed smiling and good to them again. The land of the whole of Romania was full of riches coveted by famous powers and interests. Unexpected fortunes were made.
In the 20s - keep partying! But the crowd of women was a little tired of just being pretty. It was time to relearn to be human: the war had left behind millions of orphans, invalids, the poor. As they had also gone through not a few hard days, all the ladies of the high society became more and more concerned with works of charity. Only a few years before, it did not even occur to them that there could be something useful around them other than balls and veils.
Now they started on a different path: each one, ladies and young ladies, with wealth, with men in power or... with their simple will, did everything in their power to alleviate as much suffering as possible: canteens and dormitories, workshops, hospitals, dispensaries, entire villages helped, churches, orphanages, schools for boys and girls patronized - all brought and kept in working order by these women, true missionaries.
In Piatra-Neamț, after the war, the ASSOCIATION OF 1920 WOMEN'S CIRCLES became a branch, which became a daring project for the most prominent ladies of the county. For their good thought, we mention them now: Simona Lahovary - president of the national association. Neamţ county branch: Valentina Focșa - president, Emma Culmuschi and Eugenia I. Săvescu vice-presidents, Eugenia Niculescu-Dacu, Natalia Cuza and many others, with the help of their generous husbands and several warm-hearted priests. Among other things, this association raises "on Cozla Mică, in the place called "la Prăjină", a terrace-garden, with the aim of offering young gentlemen, sportsmen, hikers and tennis players "a snack and a refreshing drink" in that delightful view .
It is the place later called THE CIRCLE OF HOUSEWIVES TERACE. It's the stop most loved by anyone who hiked, with their parents when they were little, with their colleagues a little bit, with their girlfriend, and then... with their children. Who hasn't been in this enchanted meadow at least once? Who here stopped and didn't come back? What local does not smile nostalgically, when he looks, from anywhere, from below, at this beautiful, not hidden but mysterious place? Only the silent gazebo knows how much it has been through, resisting, sooner or later. But it survived anyway, because at its foundation is the good heart.
Under the brow of the fir trees, the THE CIRCLE OF HOUSEWIVES RESTAURANT welcomes you today with the same welcoming smile. It has put on new festive clothes and is eagerly waiting for you. Any special moment, lived with your loved ones, will undoubtedly become our honor and joy. We strive to remind you of that forgotten time and the housewives of oldtimes. And here again, we carry the tradition forward. Because the hospitality of the people has no death.
You're welcome!"
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