The Stănile Glade
From the trout farm Bistra Montana turn right, following the forest road from the Bistra Mică River valley. It is 7km long, it is quite well maintained and can be climbed with almost any type of car (except very low ones). An SUV or a jeep is even more suitable. Take your time, this road takes about an hour.
In the Stănile Glade there is an absolutely wonderful view of the Ceahlău Massif and its peaks. The entire natural setting is worth being admired in peace.
It is good to know that in this glade there is also the hermitage with the same name, if you want to make a short detour to visit it. Most of those who climb Ceahlău park their cars in this glade. However, if you have a car with a high guard, the forest road continues beyond the barrier, another 2-3 km, to the "hiding parking place" point (you can find it on Google Maps).
Photo via https://samsara11.wordpress.com/