Museum of History and Archeology
IMPORTANT NOTICE: As of July 29, 2019, the main unit of the Neamț County Museum Complex, the Museum of History and Archeology Piatra-Neamț, stopped its activity in order to implement the project "Conservation, protection and promotion of the Museum of History and Archeology of Piatra-Neamț ". It is estimated that it will be reopened in 2023.
Founded in year 1934 by the priest Constantin Mătasă, shows the evolution of human communities from Neamț area, starting with the higher Paleolithic and up to contemporary era.
Founded in year 1934 by the priest Constantin Mătasă, shows the evolution of human communities from Neamț area, starting with the higher Paleolithic and up to contemporary era.
As the basic unit of the Neamţ County Museum Complex, this museum belongs to the category of the most prestigious institutions of this profile from Romania. Its contribution to the research, conservation, restoration, management, evidence and valorization of the historical and archaeological heritage in the east of the country is absolutely remarkable, as well as its cultural-educational activity.
The Museum of History and Archeology of Piatra-Neamţ is - by the number and importance of the collections, the research area, the activity carried out, the material base, etc. - without question, a museum of regional importance.
The Museum of History and Archeology of Piatra-Neamţ is - by the number and importance of the collections, the research area, the activity carried out, the material base, etc. - without question, a museum of regional importance.
- Monumental buildings
- Museums and galeries