The Art Museum „Iulia Hălăucescu” in Tarcău

The Art Museum „Iulia Hălăucescu” in Tarcău



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Tarcău 617445, Romania


IMPORTANT: The museum building, particularly spectacular from an architectural point of view, is currently in a rehabilitation process. However, you can contact the museum hosts by phone to check the status of the museum in advance.
Iulia Hălăucescu was born on March 31, 1924, in Tarcău commune in Neamț county, in the family of the priest Gheorghe Verșescu. She only stayed here for 2 years, until her father moved with the parish to Piatra-Neamț, in the Valea Viei slum. Even though she stayed so little in her native village, the artist wanted to give the locality a part of her creation. Thus, in 2003, the Tarcău Museum was born, organized in a building of the village school that today bears the artist's name.
"Where mountain twines with mountain, fir tree with fir tree, where the stream cuts a path in the rock in waterfalls over sandstone steps, where the sky is visible like a ribbon and whose color and light are reflected in the bubbles where the trout of Tarcău play, I saw the light of day for the first time. In the memory of my parents and for the legacy and beauty of the inhabitants of Tarcău, I give to my hometown, part of the goods that have enriched my soul and creation, cultural and folk art values, representative Romanian ceramics from different areas of the country, old Romanian icons, furniture and even my own creative workshop," said the artist at the opening of the museum.
The Tarcău Museum is structured in 4 exhibition halls, which house over 100 works by the artist. Most of the works are watercolors, with the exception of a self-portrait and some paintings of family members. The main themes of the paintings in the museum are flowers, images of the old Tarcău, but also images captured by the artist during her travels abroad. Among the works dedicated to the native village are the Old Mill from Tarcău, Field Flowers from the Glades of Tarcău and Old Farm from Tarcău. In the paintings painted during trips outside the country, the artist immortalized images from Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany and France.
Nicknamed "Lady of Romanian Watercolors", the artist was a member of the Union of Plastic Artists from Romania, an honorary member of the Romanian Academy of Scientists, a Knight of the National Order "For Merit" and an honorary citizen of the cities of Piatra-Neamț and Bicaz. Throughout her life, she opened more than 60 personal exhibitions at home and abroad and participated in more than 30 exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Culture in 25 countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa, the artist's works reaching as far as Japan and the Philippines. In Neamț, with the exception of this dedicated museum, the artist's works can also be found in the Museum of History in Bicaz and the Art Museum in Piatra-Neamț.

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