The Bust of Victor Brauner
Victor Brauner (1903–1966) was born in Piatra-Neamț and distinguished himself, in the 1920s, as an emblematic figure of the Bucharest avant-garde. In 1933, Brauner joined the surrealist movement initiated by André Breton and in 1938 he permanently moved to Paris. Also then, the artist accidentally loses an eye and, because he had painted himself many years before in a self-portrait with an enucleated eye, he becomes the "visionary painter" of the Surrealist movement, capable of premonitions.
Author: Lucian Tudorache
Year: 2003
Material: artificial stone
Location: the courtyard of the Victor Brauner Art High School, building C
Photo source: www.ziarpiatraneamt.ro
- Statues and fountains