Lacul Veselaru
Lake Veselaru was formed in 1940, having a length of 72 m, a width of 55 m, a maximum depth of 12 m and an area of about 3000 sq m (0.3 ha). Of course, all these dimensions change depending on the amount of precipitation. Therefore, the lake is not very big, especially if we compare it with Cuiejdel Lake or the Red Lake, also natural dam lakes. But, even if it is small, it has a special charm because its appearance is very wild and, although there is no path, you can walk around it and you can see the trunks of trees coming out of the water, just like at the Red Lake.
Lake Veselaru is located in the commune of Piatra Şoimului, more precisely, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Neguleşti, approximately 23 km from Piatra-Neamţ. From the national road DN15, the one that connects Bacău to Piatra-Neamţ, at the roundabout in the town of Roznov, turn right towards Tazlău, but immediately after the bridge over the Bistriţa river, you must turn right again. There will be a bifurcation with a sign, towards Luminiş and Neguleşti to the left.
The road to this lake is not marked, but it can be found quite easily. After you pass the village of Luminiş, after a wide curve to the left, you enter Neguleşti, and on the left is a wooden fence with horizontal slats that encloses a large area, without any construction. Immediately after the fence ends, go left into the meadow of the Iapa stream, cross the stream on a bridge and you will see a small stone house. A forest road goes up through the forest next to it. After a while, this road forks and you have to take it to the right. You will climb for about half an hour to the lake.
The photos in the gallery should give you even more landmarks to orient and guide you to this natural attraction.
Photo credit: Daniela Ursu
Lake Veselaru is located in the commune of Piatra Şoimului, more precisely, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Neguleşti, approximately 23 km from Piatra-Neamţ. From the national road DN15, the one that connects Bacău to Piatra-Neamţ, at the roundabout in the town of Roznov, turn right towards Tazlău, but immediately after the bridge over the Bistriţa river, you must turn right again. There will be a bifurcation with a sign, towards Luminiş and Neguleşti to the left.
The road to this lake is not marked, but it can be found quite easily. After you pass the village of Luminiş, after a wide curve to the left, you enter Neguleşti, and on the left is a wooden fence with horizontal slats that encloses a large area, without any construction. Immediately after the fence ends, go left into the meadow of the Iapa stream, cross the stream on a bridge and you will see a small stone house. A forest road goes up through the forest next to it. After a while, this road forks and you have to take it to the right. You will climb for about half an hour to the lake.
The photos in the gallery should give you even more landmarks to orient and guide you to this natural attraction.
Photo credit: Daniela Ursu