Wicked Barrel
Wicked Barrel was founded in 2017 by Radu and Andreea Andries with the idea of producing dark, complex beers with a high degree of alcohol. The first beer was made in the Ground Zero factory and was called The Black Pot.
In January 2018, ratebeer.com named Wicked Barrel the 2nd best brewery in the world in 2017 out of a total of +6400.
The idea of having our own factory has been in our heads ever since we launched the first beer, The Black Pot, but we really started thinking about it at the beginning of 2018. In October 2020, we managed to obtain the fiscal warehouse authorization and starting on November 1 we can produce beer in our own factory.
Our beers: Jaw Drop-New England IPA, Razzle Dazzle-American Pale Ale, NSFW Double New England IPA, Hillbilly - Saison, Blizzard - Imperial Oatmeal Stout, Piece of Cake (our anniversary beer, brewed once a year), Monday Fuel (a Stout in which I added Jigesa Weysi coffee), Killer Bunny (Imperial Russian Stout), Full Cercle Pilsner, Cuckoo Land- Imperial Stout creamy, The Black Pot - Imperial Stout, Jungle Juice- Gose, Wearing Purple-Imperial Stout.
In Piatra-Neamt, the products can be found at the Aer store, (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/aer-cumparaturi-si-retail) Atelier 3/8 (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/atelier -3-8-wku3ayxpa3hd8q) La Caiace (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/la-caiace-jo8sii_a01v_kq)
All beer assortments can also be purchased at the factory headquarters, and soon they will also be available online (https://wickedbarrel.ro/shop-in-curand/).
In January 2018, ratebeer.com named Wicked Barrel the 2nd best brewery in the world in 2017 out of a total of +6400.
The idea of having our own factory has been in our heads ever since we launched the first beer, The Black Pot, but we really started thinking about it at the beginning of 2018. In October 2020, we managed to obtain the fiscal warehouse authorization and starting on November 1 we can produce beer in our own factory.
Our beers: Jaw Drop-New England IPA, Razzle Dazzle-American Pale Ale, NSFW Double New England IPA, Hillbilly - Saison, Blizzard - Imperial Oatmeal Stout, Piece of Cake (our anniversary beer, brewed once a year), Monday Fuel (a Stout in which I added Jigesa Weysi coffee), Killer Bunny (Imperial Russian Stout), Full Cercle Pilsner, Cuckoo Land- Imperial Stout creamy, The Black Pot - Imperial Stout, Jungle Juice- Gose, Wearing Purple-Imperial Stout.
In Piatra-Neamt, the products can be found at the Aer store, (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/aer-cumparaturi-si-retail) Atelier 3/8 (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/atelier -3-8-wku3ayxpa3hd8q) La Caiace (https://piatraneamtcity.ro/ro/places/la-caiace-jo8sii_a01v_kq)
All beer assortments can also be purchased at the factory headquarters, and soon they will also be available online (https://wickedbarrel.ro/shop-in-curand/).